After a LONG 27 months, 4 rounds of clomid, 2 rounds of Femara, 1 round of injectables, 4 IUIs, and 6 trigger shots I can't believe I finally get to say WE ARE PREGNANT!! J and I are beyond excited, and a little shocked.
On October 3, 2014 I woke up 9 days past the day I ovulated (on a non medicated non assisted cycle) and peed on a stick. For 27 months I have been doing this and always see the dreaded 1 pink line, or even worse the blaring digital NOT PREGNANT. But today as I sat on the edge of the bathtub in my jammies staring at the test I saw a second line. Now this isn't the first time I "thought I saw" a line. I usually stare at it and stare at it, take it into a few different rooms, you know for better light, and then send a picture of it to Husband to which he always says "umm.. The pictures a little blurry I'll look when I get home" of course he's just trying to help me keep the faith so I don't lose it and cry all day while he's at work. But today I sent the picture then called him immediately to say "ok I know Im crazy and you never see the line but I ACTUALLY see something this time!" And his response "Wow, Ya I actually kinda see something this time." Fast forward to J home from work, we run to the store to buy two packs of tests, two different brands just to be safe, and they were all positive too. So several dozen pee sticks, three blood pregnancy tests, and two ultrasounds later I was finally convinced... We're pregnant!
I have always dreamed of J coming home from work to find a chalkboard message announcing "yay we're pregnant!" Since our journey to this point was a little different than we had hoped, I've decided to get back on track with how I "wanted" things to go down, so here we go! I am going to document my pregnancy and growing bump with this blog.
Here are my many positive tests, yes I kept them all.
My first ultrasound picture at 5 weeks and 1 day.
My second ultrasound where we heard the most beautiful heartbeat at 6 weeks 4 days.