Thursday, April 23, 2015

32 Weeks

How far along?: 32 weeks.
Total weight loss/gain: 5 lbs. I'm sure I've gained 10 lbs in these last few weeks though.
Stretch marks: Not yet..
Sleep: Pretty good. Waking up a few times.
Best moment this week: Every night J reads Goodnight Moon to my belly and the girl goes crazy! You can see her little body parts flailing around. I'm sorry to say I think she's got her mama's grace and coordination already.
Miss anything: Nope :)
Movement: Soo much! She's a ninja.
Food cravings: Seafood!! I want Chevy's shrimp fajitas.
Anything making you queasy or sick?: Nothing in particular.
Symptoms: Lightheaded, queasy, headaches, Braxton Hicks like crazy.
Have you started to show?: Oh ya. The bump was so big yesterday. On our walk J looked over at me and said "wow, you're so big". Haha only during pregnancy would that not send me into a meltdown.
Gender: Girl!!!
Belly button in or out: Still flat.
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy!!
Looking forward to: Our maternity pictures next weekend!

Friday, April 17, 2015

31 Weeks

How far along?: 31 Weeks
Total weight loss/gain: 5 lbs as of last appointment but I have a feeling I am not going to be happy with myself at our next appt.
Stretch marks: Nope. Fingers crossed still.
Sleep: Pretty good, allergies have me waking up a few times.
Best moment this week: Our baby shower!!!
Miss anything: Nope :)
Movement: Soo much. I wish she would find a new sparring partner other than my right ribcage.
Food cravings: Just ice cream which isn't pregnancy related.
Anything making you queasy or sick?: Not really, I've gotten a lot better about chicken lately. My Goldfish crackers still taste like cheese though :(
Symptoms: Rib pain, hip pain, and today I have been having what we think are Braxton Hicks contractions. They were coming every 15 min for a while but seem to be calming down now.
Have you started to show yet?: Ya..
Gender: Girl!!!
Belly button in or out?: Still flat.
Happy or moody most of the time?: Sooo happy!!
Looking forward to: Meeting our girl!! I am so ready for her to be here!

Hailey's First Party

I can't believe Saturday was my baby shower! I have been dreaming of this day for YEARS! My parents did a fabulous job! It was more beautiful and perfect than I could have ever imagined. We have such amazing family and friends and feel completely overwhelmed by how loved we are. This is one lucky little girl we have cookin'.

Here are some pictures from the day.

Friday, April 10, 2015

30 Weeks

How far along?: 30 Weeks
Total weight loss/gain: 5 lbs.
Stretch Marks: Nope.
Sleep: So tired, but have been waking up several times a night.
Best moment this week: Getting the name plaque for Hailey's room and so many other amazing items for our girl!
Miss anything: Being able to get up from a sitting position without help.
Movement: Oh ya.
Food Cravings: Ice cream and strawberries still.
Anything making you queasy or sick?: Poultry, broccoli, and my favorite Goldfish crackers.
Symptoms: RIB PAIN! Oh baby girl has some body part lodged up under my rib, I keep saying she is going to Bella Swan me and crack a rib from the inside soon.
Have you started to show yet?: I am large and in charge.
Gender: Girl!!!
Belly button in or out?: Flat as a pancake.
Happy or moody most of the time?: Happy and grateful.
Looking forward to: My baby shower!!! I can't believe it is actually here.
Not looking forward to: Turning... 27! Ahhh.... I'm old, like for the Earth. 

Saturday, April 4, 2015

29 Weeks

How far along?: 29 weeks.
Total weight loss/gain: 5 lbs.
Stretch Marks: Nope.. still knocking on wood and lathering on lotion.
Sleep: Eh.. waking up a lot in the night and having strange dreams.
Best moment this week: We went to our first baby class! Even though the class was pretty lame, it was nice to be in a room full of pregnant women and not be any different from them.
Miss anything?: No, I started having decaf coffee again!
Movement: I think she is lying sideways in there. It feels like she's wrapped around both sides kicking and punching away.
Food Cravings: Ice cream and strawberries. We got the Costco size strawberries today. Mmmm.
Anything making you queasy or sick?: Poultry and broccoli.
Symptoms: Backache, hip pain, calf pain, ITCHY!! Soooo tired!
Have you started to show yet?: I can't believe my belly has grown as big as it has.
Gender: GIRL!!!
Belly button in or out?: Still flat.
Happy or moody most of the time?: Happy! And tired and hungry.
Looking forward to: Hitting 30 weeks! And finishing Hailey's room.

Friday, April 3, 2015

Baby Girl Has A Name

Well it's official, we have a first name! Name plaque for the wall in her bedroom has been ordered and I received the most adorable personalized fabric from Pick Your Plum yesterday! I have to figure out how to get my sewing machine working properly so I can turn it into a blanket for... Hailey! The spelling is our compromise. I have given my parents such grief my whole life about the spelling of my name (I always wanted something "girly" like Korie or Cori) so I was determined to have an "i" in my daughter's name. Husband decided that spelling it "Hailie" like I wanted was "stripper spelling" and that like Chris Rock says, his job as a father is to keep baby girl off the pole (click here to watch). So we settled on Hailey. We are still mulling over the middle name, we have three top contenders right now. I think it may be a game time decision because we each keep changing our mind on which is our favorite.

Here is a picture of our fabric!

And although we haven't received the personalized wall plaque, here is the sample picture from Etsy..