Tonight we went out to dinner with the Babyness. She woke up pretty late from her last nap so I nursed her before we left and packed some solids for her to eat at the table with us. Her reflux must be feeling a lot better because this girl can EAT again. She scarfed down the entire container of butternut squash and oatmeal and was panting like a puppy dog for more.
This picture makes it look like she was screaming or unhappy or causing a scene, but she was NOT. This face is in response to me asking "more?" She would pant and kick her legs and open wide like this. Otherwise she was an angel just looking around staring at people like her daddy does.
Barely even made a mess, she wanted ALL of the food in her mouth tonight.
13 years ago I never imagined we would be where we are today, but I don't think either of us could have wished for a better life. Happy 13 years, Husband. Here's to many many more to come.