Wednesday, January 27, 2016


Our good eater is back! Knock on wood, the reflux has been under control lately. So we started a few new foods, all of which Hailey loves! Except, of course, french fries. Our little weirdo took one bite, made a face, and dropped it on the floor. These past few weeks of no reflux flairs we have seen our sweet girl grow so much, physically and developmentally. We are keeping our fingers crossed that those bad days are behind us and are looking forward to watching all the amazing things to come!

She loves carrots..

And baby rice crackers...

French fries not so much..

She also LOVES books. Just stay this way forever!


  1. Hi momma, my MIL sent me your blog and I am so thankful for that. My daughter just turned 7 months on January 23rd and was diagnosed with sandifer syndrome this week. We have been suffering for months now with sever reflux and lagging on her development. Early December she had her first "seizure" episode, and has had 3 since then. We changed pediatricians after the first episode because her previous peds would not listen to me. We just saw a pediatric neurologist and he is sure her "seizures" are seizure like activity caused by reflux thus diagnosed with sandifer syndrome. We started omeprazole a PPI after being on Zantac for awhile with no real results. Glad to see your daughter is doing better. What meds is she on?

    1. Hi, sorry I just saw this,I've never had anyone comment before! I'm so sorry to hear about your daughter. We were on omeprazole for about a month and a half. Since it is a compound it is only effective for 10-14 days, even though the prescription is usually for 30 days. We started getting it refilled every 10-14 days and she was still having bad flairs. Our pediatrician finally spoke with a GI specialist who put Hailey on Prevacid solutabs. The Prevacid has been amazing! She is eating and growing like never before. The GI specialist also recommended giving her 1ml of regular adult formula Mylanta every 6 hours as needed when she's having a flair. I feel like the Mylanta has been key to not letting her flairs get out of control, if she starts getting grunty or spitting up a lot we give her some Mylanta and it never gets to that scary Sandifer place anymore. Good luck! I hope you can get her situation under control soon!
