Monday, August 31, 2015

12 Weeks

Hailey the Hater is 12 weeks today! She is so big and has decided naps aren't for her. (Unless her daddy naps in the rocking chair holding her for two hours. Then she's totally down to nap.) We love this girl so much. She was definitely worth the wait and we love every screaming, crying, no nap taking minute with her.

Favorite things: butterfly toys and seeing new things and places. 
Least favorite things: being in the back seat alone, napping, and loud abrupt noises. 
Weight: Around 12 lbs!! We are moving into size 2 diapers when this round of size 1's run out. 

Smiling at her butterfly friend. 

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Take me out to the ballgame...

...take me out to the crowd!

Last night we took Hailey to her very first Giants game! We decked her out in her best Giants gear, even though we were secretly rooting for the Cubs to win since J's friend Kyle was pitching, and she did so well!! J strapped her into the Ergo and she was loving all the new sights and smells. She was not a fan of the abrupt yelling but as long as we kept her moving she was a happy camper. Of course we didn't stay for the whole game but the whole experience was so much fun and Hailey did way better than we could have imagined. We enlisted an off duty usher to take a family picture for us. Here are a bunch of pictures from the night.

She thought getting her diaper changed in the nursing area was so exciting! 

Monday, August 17, 2015

10 Weeks

Hailey is 10 weeks today! She's getting so big and is smiling like crazy! 

Thursday she weighed in at 10 lbs 11oz!

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Hailey's Finished Room

We finally got Babyness' room finished!  We had been meaning to put up the adorable wall art that Uncle Tommy got for us ever since Hailey was born, and we finally did it! Has she spent a single night in this room yet? Of course not. But it's adorable and waiting should we ever decide to let her sleep in here!

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

So long CFA...

...It hasn't been nice knowing' ya!

Big news in the Santopadre house today! J passed CFA Level III! He worked so hard, sacrificed a lot, and he did it! We are so proud and can't wait to see what the future holds for him!

And just for a extra dose of cuteness, Hailey all dressed up for her Uncle Chris' birthday party. 
Because she wants to be formal, but she's here to party..

Monday, August 10, 2015


Today was the big day, Hailey's 2 month appointment for her shots. She was in such a good mood today, so smiley and all around adorable. She did great being measured and weighed and examined. We sat her up on her daddy's lap and then it happened. I will forever remember the look on her face and the noises she made, it hurt my heart so bad to watch her in pain. We nursed right after, she calmed down and we headed home. Once we were home she started whimpering in her sleep! Have you ever heard a 2 month old whimper? If you haven't, lucky you, it was absolutely horrible to hear.  We gave her some Tylenol and you could see the pain leave her sweet face. She is currently resting in her daddy's arms. Hopefully everyone's feeling healed up tomorrow.


Being such a good girl, getting measured. 


Official weight: 10lbs 9oz
Official length: 22.8 inches 

Saturday, August 8, 2015

2 Months

Guess who is 2 months old today! Whaaat?? I think it's safe to say these past two months have been the best of mine and J's lives. We love this sweet girl more than we could have ever imagined!

Favorite things: Being woken up in the morning with mama or daddy saying Good Moooooorning! How was your slumber? And being in her Ergo carrier.
Least favorite things: Her carseat, and loud abrupt noises.
Current nicknames: Sweet as Pie, babyness, pretty girl, babiest, girlfriend.
Weight: 10 lbs 8 oz on the scale with daddy at home tonight!

We go to Hailey's two month appointment on Monday. We'll get her official height and weight and... her shots! I'm positive this mama is going to be in more pain and have more tears than Hailey!