Tuesday, December 29, 2015

13 Years Ago Today

13 years ago today J and I went on our very first date. Jon Feld tagged along and we watched a Rob Schneider movie. Somehow that hooked me and here we are today.

Tonight we went out to dinner with the Babyness. She woke up pretty late from her last nap so I nursed her before we left and packed some solids for her to eat at the table with us. Her reflux must be feeling a lot better because this girl can EAT again. She scarfed down the entire container of butternut squash and oatmeal and was panting like a puppy dog for more.

This picture makes it look like she was screaming or unhappy or causing a scene, but she was NOT. This face is in response to me asking "more?" She would pant and kick her legs and open wide like this. Otherwise she was an angel just looking around staring at people like her daddy does.

Barely even made a mess, she wanted ALL of the food in her mouth tonight.

13 years ago I never imagined we would be where we are today, but I don't think either of us could have wished for a better life. Happy 13 years, Husband. Here's to many many more to come.               

Friday, December 25, 2015

Christmas Day

Today we got to experience Christmas morning with our very own baby. It was just as magical as I had always imagined. Hailey rocked her matching jammies and was mesmerized by her cousins zipping around the living room. Nonie and Papa, Gram and Aunt Heather and Uncle Chris spoiled her, she's going to be in heaven with all the new things to wear, play with and chew on. We finished presents, headed home for a quick nap, then visited Gramma and Papa, came home for a nice 2 hour power nap and back to Nonie and Papa's we went for Christmas dinner. J and I scarfed down our food and headed home mid dinner because Hailey had had enough Christmas. She fell asleep while we were still coming down Wykoff. Merry Christmas, sweet girl. You were the best Christmas gift we could have ever asked for.

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Hailey's First Christmas Eve

Today Hailey experienced her very first Christmas Eve! She was such a good girl, as always, and she loved eating the wrapping paper. Even though she was a little too tired to play with any of her new toys tonight, Gramma and Papa and Uncle Greg and Aunt Kelly loaded her down with so many new things to play with and wear she is going to be amazed! At dinner Hailey sat at the table like a big girl while we ate yummy beef bourguignon and loved watching Hanny and cousin "Kinzie" run around after. You were such a sweet girl this year Babyness, we can't wait to watch you again next year!

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Goodbye My Saydee

Yesterday was a tough day. We had to say goodbye to our sweet Saydee girl. She was beautiful and kind and loyal to her core. She fought a hard battle against Cushings Disease but was sweet and loving til the very end. We love you my Saydee girl and will miss you everyday.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015


Hailey had her 6 month check up today. She took her shots like a champ and moved up to the 6% for weight! It's been a tough week for our sweet girl, after five long days she finally pooped so hopefully now her reflux meds can start helping her feel and eat better again.

6 Months

I can't believe Hailey is 6 months old today!

Favorite things: Eating her hands and feet, her puppy friend, and apple juice.
Least favorite things: Pooping, her carseat, and reflux. 

Height: 26 in.
Weight 13 lbs. 5 oz. 
Head circumference: 43 cm.

Monday, December 7, 2015

Happy Birthday, Baby Daddy!

Happy birthday, Husband! You are the most amazing husband and an equally amazing daddy to Hailey. You take such good care of both of us and we appreciate you more than you know. I am in awe of you every single day. The love, care and patience you have for our sweet Babyness is such a beautiful thing to watch. I love you so much and am so thankful to have you as my baby daddy!

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Sandifer Syndrome

The past few days have been pretty scary around here. Hailey started grunting/convulsing, she has had an episode or two like this before that we thought were from constipation, so I gave her a glycerin suppository. That didn't seem to help, she continued to grunt and stiffen, then became very lethargic. I rushed her to the ER where she projectile vomited all over me, herself and the floor, then became lethargic again. They ran bloodwork, did an X Ray and couldn't find anything wrong. After 5 hours in the ER and a few naps in her daddy's arms, she seemed a bit more like herself, so we came home. She nursed, went to bed like normal, slept great and woke up her normal happy, giggly self. We got ready to go to her follow up appointment and she started the grunting/convulsing again. We ran to the doctor, didn't even check in just yelled to the nurse that we needed to see Dr. Molina right away. Dr. Molina ran in and checked her, looked at all the videos I had taken and took them to the Chief of Pediatrics who confirmed her theory that Hailey likely has Sandifer Syndrome. Sandifer Syndrome is an extremely rare condition (1% of infants with GERD have it). It's basically bad reflux that causes her body to stiffen her limbs and turn her head as a sort of defense mechanism against the pain. It is often misdiagnosed as seizures. She was prescribed some medicine for the reflux, but we are also going to get her an EEG to rule out actual seizures, since I had them as a child. Unfortunately the reflux medicine is unflavored and Hailey hates it. Hopefully we can figure out how to keep the medicine in and it helps her to never have one of these scary episodes again.