Tuesday, December 27, 2016

4 Months, Shots, and Earrings

Sweet baby J turned 4 months old! She is on the move lately rolling and scooting all over the place. She loves watching her sister run around and gets so upset that she can't do the same. She's turning into such a sweet, gentle little cuddle bug. We all love her so much and are loving watching her grow!  Also this week Jailynn got her ears pierced and 4 months shots. She handled both like a champion and her earrings look adorable. 

Official Height: 24.5 in.
Official Weight: 14lbs 6.4oz
Favorite things: Her teethers, fingers and watching her sister.
Least favorite things: reflux and babas.

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Christmas Day

Today was a busy day. Santa came to our house, Hailey was very excited about the pouch he put in her stocking and Jailynn loved her new teether. Then we headed up to Nonie and Papa's house, everyone looked so cute in their matching "Santa jammies". Jailynn napped and hung out like a champ and Hailey had so much fun opening presents and eating Aunt Heather's special cinnamon rolls. It was such a great day, we are so lucky to have all that we do in our life.

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Christmas Eve

Tonight we celebrated Christmas at Amma and Papa's house. The girls had so much fun, Hailey really enjoyed having chocolate milk for dinner, she thinks we should have that ALL the time.


Thursday, December 22, 2016


One of Hailey's favorite things to do is help me put on makeup in the morning. We put Baby J down for her morning nap, I bring my makeup bag downstairs and we sit on the floor and do make up, or Ah Mama as she calls it. She likes to take all the stuff out of the bag, she holds the mascara bottle up to her eye and brushes her face with the brushes. The whole time I'm saying no we don't take the lid off, no mouth, no eyes. I underestimated how much she pays attention to what I'm doing during our makeup sessions because I looked up from my mascara this morning to find this staring back at me. Guess I'll have to pay a little extra special attention during our makeup time from now on.

Monday, December 12, 2016


We took the girls to visit Santa twice this year. I would call both times a success. We totally thought Hailey was going to "pull a Cory" and scream cry, but she ended up just being her normal judgy looking self. Baby J was easy as always and just hung out in Santa's arms.

Friday, December 9, 2016

Hailey is officially 1 and a half years old! My big girl has grown into such a little mama nurturing her babies and giving little sister hugs and kisses. She is really learning to use her imagination lately and I am loving watching her as she pours tea, gives her baby a bath in the sink and reads to herself in her little chair.

Official Height: 33.5"
Official Weight: 22 lbs 1oz
Favorite things: Her babies, books and the Hallmark singing characters.
Least favorite things: The car and seeing Sister spit up. 

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Cheers to 30 years!

Today Husband turned the big 3-0! I've always had visions of big plans for his 30th but with the current craziness that is our life I just couldn't swing it. We had to settle for some Walmart decorations, boxed cake and chick fil a for dinner 😬. Happy birthday, Husband. I hope you had a great day, hopefully we can do 40 up right!

Saturday, November 26, 2016

3 Months

Jailynn turned 3 months old today! She's really becoming her own little person lately. She loves watching her big sister and is this close to rolling from back to front.

Favorite things: Starring at the ceiling fan, watching big sister, being sung to and playing patty cake. 
Least Favorite things: her car seat, the stroller, and reflux. 

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Jailynn's First Thanksgiving

Today was Jailynn's first Thanksgiving! We had a wonderful day filled with family and food. We have so much to be thankful for today and everyday.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Jailynn's 2 Month Well Check

Jailynn had her two month well check and immunizations. She is growing so well and took her shots like a BOSS! We were so worried because Hailey was absolutely pitiful after her two month shots.  Jailynn cried, of course, but she was over it super quickly, fell asleep on the way home and never made another mention of it. We also discovered that unlike her sister, Jailynn hates Tylenol and medicine in general. All in all we are so proud of our sweet sister!

Official Height: 23.5 inches.
Official Weight: 11lbs. 7oz.
Head Circumference: 15.5 inches.
Her smile and giggles have us completely hooked. 

Monday, October 31, 2016

Halloween 2016

This year the girls went as Disney Princesses. Hailey was an adorable Snow White and Jailynn was an itty bitty brown haired Cinderella. Hailey trick or treated at her grandparents houses and met up with all of her cousins. She was terrified of her friendly wizard cousins and was a mini me of her cousin 'Kenzie, who was also an adorable Snow White. It's crazy next year both girls will be walking around in their little costumes, hopefully I'll have a few more years of having them do the same theme!

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

2 Months

Sweet baby J is 2 months old today! I really can't believe it. She has been "talking" like crazy lately and rolled over at 6 weeks! Daddy is positive she's going to start scooting soon with how much she flails around on her play mat. Her sweet baby giggles are just too much cuteness.

Favorite things: Mama, her daddy's smiley face, Big Sister.
Least favorite things: Her car seat and the stroller.
We will find out height and weight next week at her 2 month check up!

Friday, October 21, 2016

J's Newborn Pics

I just realized I never posted Jailynn's newborn pictures! We got some really great ones of our adorable subject!

Two of my favorite pictures ever! I am in love with this picture of my two girls and am so incredibly happy we got a picture of our family of FOUR! 

Monday, September 26, 2016

1 Month

Jailynn is one month old today!


Big sister helped with the photo shoot. 

Favorite things: Laying on her back staring at things, her daddy's face and sister bugging her.
Least favorite things: Being cold, being too hot, and the car. 
Nicknames: Baby J, tiny baby, little sister, sweet girl, Diana Ross (because she's really beautiful and really mean, like Diana Ross. - Juno).

Friday, September 23, 2016

4 Weeks

4 weeks! Can you believe it? Our sweet tiny baby is almost a month old. She LOVES being outside in the heat and HATES being cold. She's even given us a few social smiles!

Pumpkin Patch and Bulldog Football

Yesterday we ventured to the pumpkin patch. I wouldn't call it a total success, but Hailey did find some nice hunks of dirt that she thought were super cool. We'll have to try and go again in a few weeks to actually pick out pumpkins. Jailynn came, too, but she was asleep in the carseat the whole time. Maybe next time she'll be more alert.

Today we finally made it out to a VHS football game, well one quarter of the J.V. game anyway. Hailey wasn't really sure about it, but her Papa held her and walked her around and she started to warm up. She loved picking up handfuls of the old dirt track. Baby J slept in her carseat, again.


Saturday, September 17, 2016

3 Weeks

Jailynn JoReen is 3 weeks old! Time is flying! I'd say she officially likes her daddy, finally! She loves to nurse and sleep on mama, absolutely LOVES the heat and has gotten so much better in her carseat.  She has a little tongue "coordination issue" that we are working on, but other than that she is growing great! We love you, tiny baby!

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Jailynn's 2 Week Well Check

Yesterday we went to Jailynn's 2 week well check. Daddy took a much needed mental health day, so Amma came over to babysit the three of us and help get us to the appointment. Both girls did a great job and there were no tears! (Hailey usually loses it at the doctor so this was a big win.)

Baby J surpassed her birth weight! Yay! She weighs 7lbs 6oz, is 20.5 in long and has a 14in head! Nearly the exact same stats as her sister at her 2 week check up! Dr. Molina says Jailynn looks great, she still has a little jaundice that we are supposed to keep an eye on, but other than that everything seems right on track and we don't go back until the dreaded 2 month shots appointment next month.

Our bus of a stroller.

Our pretty blue eyed girl.

Saturday, September 10, 2016

2 Weeks

This tiny baby is 2 weeks old! She does not like to sleep unless attached to mama, even then it's touch and go. She also hates her car seat, but she has gotten much more comfortable with her daddy which has helped keep this mama from losing her mind. We love you so much baby J, keep growing!

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Jailynn's Birth Story

Friday, August 26th we arrived at the hospital at 5:30am. We were brought right to my room, hooked up to all the monitoring devices and given an IV. I made the mistake of saying "at least they aren't busy today, so we'll get to have her on time." About 20 minutes later the nurse came in to tell us that there was a lady pushing, so we would be delayed a bit. 15 minutes after that the nurse came in to tell us that the lady pushing is waiting for her husband to get there, so we were still waiting...

About 7:45am Gramma brought Hailey to visit us. She was a little nervous at first, she clung to "Amma" and wasn't sure what was going on. After a few minutes in the room with mama, daddy, Amma, Papa, Nonie, Papa and Gram she loosened up and was the star of the show. She was showing everyone where her elbow was, giving kisses, and giggling.

Around 10:00 am it was finally go time! The nurses came in and had me drink the gross drink and walked me to the operating room. J followed behind in his Breaking Bad suit. We both felt much calmer this time having been through this all before. I climbed up on the table and had a million wires attached to me. I don't remember that many monitoring wires last time, maybe because I was just so nervous. They rubbed all over my back with iodine and had me lean over "like a shrimp" I felt a tiny pinch, some pressure and then my legs started to get numb. I turned and laid down on the table as they started throwing up all the tarps. Just like last time, I didn't get as numb as I thought I would and kept telling them "I can still feel that!" My anesthesiologist was great, he showed me the taser like thing he was poking me with and we decided that even though I could still wiggle my toes, I was numb enough to begin. They brought Husband in and sat him next to me. It seems like the whole process took much longer this time. He sat next to me asking the anesthesiologist if they had started yet. Finally, he said they had started and asked if J wanted to look. J kindly responded that no, he did not want to look, because once you do you can't unsee it.

J was ready with his camera set right above the curtain, eager to snap the first picture of Jailynn. Finally, after what felt like forever he started snapping. I said is she out?? He said yes and I heard her beautiful bark cry. I could also hear the doctors talking, saying she had the cord wrapped all around her, that she had pooped inside and that my water had already broken because there was barely any fluid. J ran over to the nurses station to take more pictures and meet our girl. They suctioned and checked her out a little longer than usual because of the meconium. But as soon as they were done they brought her over and laid her on my chest, I felt such a relief to have our girl in my arms. Then, just like with Hailey, actually the anesthesiologist said according to my chart it was at the exact same time as with Hailey, I started getting nauseated. So they took Jailynn and finished measuring and weighing her while they pumped me full of nausea medicine. I kept feeling nauseated, my blood pressure dropped and wouldn't go back up so they gave me a shot of something in my shoulder to help raise it back up and gave me some more nausea medicine. When they were done with Jailynn they brought her to J and let him hold her until it was time to go to recovery. J and Baby J headed over first while they finished bandaging me up and moving me to the recovery bed.

She made it out!

Once in recovery Jailynn latched on and nursed for a good solid hour while all of our visitors came to meet her. Big sister Hailey was the first to come say hello. My heart exploded seeing my sweet little baby, who it felt like was just in this recovery room latched on herself, become a big sister.

Our doctor, who did a fabulous job. Dr. Snook.

Hailey meeting her little sister for the first time. 

My favorite picture. Me and my girls.