Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Memorial Day 2017

We love 3 day weekends around here. Hailey is so sweet, her daddy asks her what the weekend means, she gets the biggest smile and says DAAADAAA! We watched the parade at Auntie's house on Saturday and visited Great Pop at the Veteran's Cemetery on Sunday. It is so humbling to drive through that cemetery and see all the men and woman who have served our country.  We wish our girls could have met their Great Pop, although we think Hailey may actually have 😉.

9 Months

Sweet, crazy Baby J is 9 months old! She is growing so fast it's unbelievable!

My little crazy craze is not one to sit still for pictures, lay down pics may be a thing of the past. 

Favorite things: Mama, Sister and food. 
Least favorite things: Diaper changes, the car and sleep. 

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Mother's Day 2017

This weekend we celebrated all the fabulous moms in our life. Saturday we had an amazing dinner at Aunt Heather and Uncle Chris' house, and got to visit with Nonie and Great Gram. Today we hung out at home and visited Amma.  I can't believe how lucky I am to be mama to my two girls. They are the sweetest girls and I am so grateful to be theirs.

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

8 Months

8 Months?? How is my baby 8 months already?? Our crazy girl is fearless and adventurous and I hope she stays that way always. I definitely have my work cut out for me with this girl.

So this happened... As I was getting lunch cleaned up and trying to get everything ready for nap Hailey kept saying "eh eh eh eh baby baby baby baby baby" I turn around to see that Jailynn had climbed onto the top of the baby table. J was quite proud of herself. 

Favorite things: Eating, Hailey, Little People Princesses and Mama
Least favorite things: The car and having her diaper changed