Saturday, December 27, 2014


Ahh I can't believe I'm already posting this for all to see but.. I've started planning the nursery! Our home is a mix of neutral colors so Baby S's room will follow suit. Since it took so long to get this baby cookin' I've had the crib picked out for a while.

The Larkin from Pottery Barn! I'm thinking white for a girl and grey for a boy. Isn't it beautiful? LOVE!

I am a big fan of chevron print, but we do have chevron curtains in the living room so not sure if it'll go in Baby S's room too.

We want to do a grey and white color scheme and add pink or blue/green accents depending on gender. Birds/animals creep me out in baby rooms so we're gonna steer clear of those. And if it's a boy, even though husband and I love sports, we're going to TRY to not plaster the walls with baseball and football everywhere. But if it's a girl it's going to be pretty hard for me to resist a whirlwind of pink, glitter, and tutus everywhere! Hmm... A pink glitter accent wall perhaps? We can't wait for our 3D/4D ultrasound to see if baby is doing well and what the gender is! 

15 weeks

How far along? 15 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 0 lbs. 
Maternity clothes? Yes! Oh everyone should consider maternity jeans. They are life changing. 
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: Excellent, I've been SOO tired. After taking a 2 hour nap in the day I still conk out by 10pm. 
Best moment this week: Christmas! So much fun.
Miss Anything? My pretty hair. Not only can I not color it, apparently the "beautiful pregnancy hair" is a myth. Mine is falling out by the handful. 
Movement: I've had some major stretching pains and some sharp "kicks". 
Food cravings: French fries! 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Poultry, even just looking at it. 
Have you started to show yet: After looking VERY skinny to start the week, I'm starting to show a little more. 
Gender prediction: Boy! We find out Jan. 3rd!
Belly Button in or out? In 
Happy or Moody most of the time: Mostly just tired. 
Looking forward to: Seeing Baby S again and finding out if we're having a she or a he! 

Friday, December 19, 2014

14 Weeks

How far along? 14 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 0 lbs. I don't go to the doctor again for 5 weeks so this will be zero until then. (At which point we may discontinue this portion of the exercise!) 
Maternity clothes? Maternity yogas still.
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: Not as great this week, but still pretty solid. 
Have you told family and friends: Yes! Officially sent out the Christmas cards. 
Miss Anything? My hair. :( 
Movement: Not yet. 
Food cravings: French fries! 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Random smells and the steam in the shower. 
Have you started to show yet: I'm definitely getting the look of "is she getting fat or is she preg?"
Gender prediction: BoyWe find out January 3rd!! 
Belly Button in or out? In 
Happy or Moody most of the time: I'm not proud to admit.. I've had my moody moments this week. Note to self- chicken pot pie is in the same boat as pot roast with J. He doesn't like it so don't throw a fit when he won't eat it! 
Looking forward to: Christmas!! My favorite time of year. And... Finding out if we've got a he or a she 2 weeks from tomorrow!! 

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Christmas Card

Well I finally got my stuff together and created our Christmas card. Still not sure how I feel about the formatting but I think it turned out pretty cute. No going back now, everyone is soon to know our secret that we've been keeping for 14 weeks. 

Thursday, December 11, 2014

13 Weeks

How far along? 13 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 0 lbs. 
Maternity clothes? Maternity yoga pants to replace my "frumpy" sweats. 
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: Excellent
Best moment this week: Seeing Baby S flopping around on the ultrasound. 
Have you told family and friends: Family, yes. Working on our Christmas card. 
Miss Anything? My poor hair :( "you look so good with that blonde hair and those black roots it's like not even funny!"
Movement: I'm a hypochondriac so now that I know baby is moving in there I think I feel things.  
Food cravings: All the salt! 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Currently our stinky refrigerator. 
Have you started to show yet: looking pretty chub. 
Gender prediction: Boy! We got the go ahead for the 3D gender ultrasound in three to four weeks! 
Belly Button in or out? In 
Happy or Moody most of the time: We should probably direct this question to husband :) 
Looking forward to: Finding out the gender! 

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

First OB Appointment

Today was the day we have been waiting for.. our very first OB appointment! Our first two ultrasounds and blood tests were all in our trusted, cozy, Reproductive Health department. Today we ventured into the world of fertiles, and were treated like every other young couple expecting their first child. I'm not gonna lie... I was terrified. I had no idea what to expect at the appointment, and hadn't seen the baby since our 6th week. The appointment was going fine, until the doctor pulled out the doppler to check the baby's heartbeat. I laid there holding my breath as she moved the thing around my belly. Finally she said "sounds like baby is flopping around in there, let me go get the ultrasound machine" Those were quite possibly the longest 2 minutes of my life. The moment she put the wand to my belly baby was up on the screen flipping and flopping around. The doctor said "no wonder we couldn't get the heartbeat, baby won't sit still long enough to find it." Ughhh.. I've never been more relieved in my life. Husband and I walked out with huge smiles on our faces clutching the picture of OUR BABY!  

Here he/she is, Sweet Baby S! According to our doctor we are currently 13 weeks to the day. 

Chalkboard Announcement

After the second ultrasound where we got to see the heartbeat I got up the courage to create my first chalkboard baby art. This is what I imagined making to announce to J that we were pregnant. In all honesty, I did create this while he was at work and when he got home presented it to him with a "Ta Da! Yay us, we're pregnant!" even though we had known for about a month at this point.

Here is my very first "bump" pic at 9 weeks and 3 days.

How far along? 9 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Down 2 lbs.

Maternity clothes? Sweatpants are all that fits me right now.
Stretch marks? No.. knock on wood.
Sleep: Sleeping like a rock.
Have you told family and friends:
 Family, yes. 
Not yet. I'm pretty sure anything at this point would just be gas.

Miss anything? Getting my hair and nails done.
Food cravings: Salt and Carbs. That's not really that different from usual tho.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Everything. Smells especially. Non-stop gags.
Have you started to show yet: In the morning no, by night time my bloat makes me look 5 months along.
Gender prediction: Boy!
Belly Button in or out?
Happy or Moody most of the time: 
Happy and anxious.
Looking forward to: Getting another ultrasound!!

Monday, December 8, 2014


After a LONG 27 months, 4 rounds of clomid, 2 rounds of Femara, 1 round of injectables, 4 IUIs, and 6 trigger shots I can't believe I finally get to say WE ARE PREGNANT!! J and I are beyond excited, and a little shocked.

On October 3, 2014 I woke up 9 days past the day I ovulated (on a non medicated non assisted cycle) and peed on a stick. For 27 months I have been doing this and always see the dreaded 1 pink line, or even worse the blaring digital NOT PREGNANT. But today as I sat on the edge of the bathtub in my jammies staring at the test I saw a second line. Now this isn't the first time I "thought I saw" a line. I usually stare at it and stare at it, take it into a few different rooms, you know for better light, and then send a picture of it to Husband to which he always says "umm.. The pictures a little blurry I'll look when I get home" of course he's just trying to help me keep the faith so I don't lose it and cry all day while he's at work. But today I sent the picture then called him immediately to say "ok I know Im crazy and you never see the line but I ACTUALLY see something this time!" And his response "Wow, Ya I actually kinda see something this time." Fast forward to J home from work, we run to the store to buy two packs of tests, two different brands just to be safe, and they were all positive too. So several dozen pee sticks, three blood pregnancy tests, and two ultrasounds later I was finally convinced... We're pregnant!

I have always dreamed of J coming home from work to find a chalkboard message announcing "yay we're pregnant!" Since our journey to this point was a little different than we had hoped, I've decided to get back on track with how I "wanted" things to go down, so here we go! I am going to document my pregnancy and growing bump with this blog.

Here are my many positive tests, yes I kept them all.

My first ultrasound picture at 5 weeks and 1 day.

My second ultrasound where we heard the most beautiful heartbeat at 6 weeks 4 days.