Friday, May 29, 2015

External Cephalic Version

Well we tried the version today! Unfortunately it was not successful.

We went into Labor and Delivery this morning around 7:45am. They hooked me up to the fetal heart and contraction monitor for a Non Stress Test (NST) to monitor Hailey's heart rate for about 20 minutes. Then a nurse came in and gave me some fluids through an IV. We had to wait about an hour before we began because the anestesiologist was giving someone else an epidural, and he needed to be free while they did my version incase something went wrong and I needed an emergency C-section.

Finally everything was ready and the nurse came in to gave me a shot of medicine to relax my uterus and keep it from contracting. After all of the shots I took trying to get pregnant I thought the shot would be a breeze, but this one hurt like crazy and the medicine burned as it went in. It also made my heart race and me very shaky. I felt like I chugged a bunch of Red Bull's.

We couldn't have asked for a better doctor and nursing staff to perform the procedure, they were very calming. The midwife kept the ultrasound on Hailey's heart rate while the Dr. felt Hailey's head and booty and began to push her body in the direction she wanted. The pressure was intense. It felt as if one hand was going to pierce my belly and the other was going to crush my ribs. The doctor tried to turn her about 4 times, with breaks for me to catch my breath in between, before I couldn't take the pain and Hailey wasn't budging anymore.

Although the pain may have been the worst I've ever felt, and it wasn't successful, I'm glad we tried. At least we know we did everything we could and a C-section is just the safest route possible. Now we are so excited and looking forward to meeting our girl in a week!

Me all hooked up, being monitored.

Hailey's heart rate and contraction monitor.

My IV, which looked a lot more intense than I expected. 

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